Barton Cane's Very Infrequent Newsletter
Halloween Sale!
15% off all cane through 10/31/2020 Coupon code: SpookyReeds
Halloween Drawing #1: Pets in Costumes
Submit a photo of your pet in costume to our post on the Double Reed Pets facebook page on or before Halloween to be entered to win $100 off your next order! Drawing will take place the day after Halloween. The winner will be announced on the post. If you are not on social media, you can submit a photo by replying to this email.
Halloween Drawing #2: Humans in Costumes with Bassoons
Submit a photo to our facebook post of you in costume with your bassoon on or before Halloween to be entered to win $100 off your next order! Drawing will take place the day after Halloween. Winner will be announced in the post. If you are not on social media, you can submit a photo by replying to this email.
New Barton Cane Swag!
We now have (a limited supply of) maroon Barton Cane hoodies and women's lightweight purple tank tops!
End of Newsletter
We sincerely hope that everyone is hanging in there during this year of chaos! We also sincerely hope that this year of chaos turns it down a notch or two very soon!!!
Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable Halloween!
Warmest Regards,
The Barton Cane Team