Welcome to Barton Cane's Very Infrequent Newsletter!
St. Patrick's Day Sale! Starts now, ends at midnight tomorrow! Get your lucky cane!
20% off cane and apparel. Coupon Code: LuckyLittleReeds
Excludes bulk orders.
Crossword Puzzle with Prizes!
There is a brand new Barton Cane crossword puzzle at www.bartoncane.com (scroll to bottom of the homepage). The first 10 solvers to email us a screenshot of the solved puzzle get a FREE t-shirt!
Oboe Cane!
We hope to be offering oboe cane soon! So far we have nothing to announce and no timeline. :) But feel free to get in touch with us if you have any questions at all!
Lucille's Reed Making Advice Column:
Pup tip #1: Always have a nice stick nearby, preferable about eight feet long by two to four inches in diameter.
Pup tip #2: Keep a bed in every room of the house just in case you need to recharge with an emergency nap.
Pup tip #3: Don't overthink the reed making process. Just scrape a little off the back and then settle down on the closest bed with a nice squeaky toy and just relax until dinner time.
We sincerely hope that this finds you well at what is hopefully the tail end of this covid year. We are beyond grateful to be a part of the double reed community during this difficult time. Thank you for your love and support throughout the year!
Much Love,
Julie, David and Lucille