July 2021

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Short and Sweet Newsletter:

Hello Friends! Hope you are all well and enjoying this week of IDRS performances and presentations!

Pre-Order New Limited Edition Barton Cane Dripping T-Shirt

Feel free to use the IDRS coupon code! Pre-order by August 4th!

IDRS Sale!

15% off cane AND apparel now through 7/31/21. Coupon code: IheartIDRS Does not apply to bulk orders

Oboe Cane Launches August 1st, 2021!

We'll be adding gouged, shaped and scored oboe cane to our website!

You'll be able to choose:
* Cane Diameter: From 10mm to 11mm in increments of .25mm
* Shape: We'll start with Mack-Pfeiffer, RDG-1, Joshua +2, Mack + and Liang

* Type of Cane: We'll start with Rigotti and Lavoro

Thus ends our Short and Sweet Newsletter!

Much Love,

David, Julie and Lucille