November 2021

New and Improved Oboe Cane
First of all, we'd like to thank everyone who took the time to send oboe cane feedback! It has been overwhelmingly glowing which has inevitably gone straight to our heads!

Most of the feedback regarding the shapes was either in the "it's just right" or "it's slightly too wide" categories.

After three months of consulting with very helpful oboists across the globe, we decided to re-evaluate how we were determining the final shape dimensions. Our new method resulted in slightly narrower measurements that more closely match those of our advisors. The Mack Pfeiffer, and RDG-1 shapes changed very little. The biggest difference was to the Joshua +2 shape, which is quite a bit more narrow now. You can see the measurements we have settled on HERE.

What we have left of the original oboe cane inventory is on CLEARANCE at a steep discount! No returns, refunds or exchanges on clearance items.

New Oboe Cane Brands

In addition to Rigotti and Lavoro, we now also offer Loree and Danzi oboe cane. Alliaud is coming soon!

Bassoon and Oboe Reed Makers

If you are a reed maker and you buy your cane from us, please let us know so that we can promote you on social media and link to your website on our “resources” page! We get a lot of requests for finished bassoon and oboe reeds and we want nothing more than to send you lots of business! Feel free to reply to this email with your link info.

Early December - Expect Delays

We will probably experience some delays the first two weeks of December (Julie is having surgery). If you plan to make a bulk order, or a medium to large order, please consider putting those orders in before the end of November. The sooner the better! We are doing our best to stockpile cane for December to minimize delays, but you can never be too safe! We want to avoid cane emergencies if possible!

Videos on Social Media

As always, we LOVE a social media shout out. You can follow us in all of the usual places: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. Thanks so much to everyone who has taken the time to review our cane! If you experience a wild itch to make an honest Barton Cane review video (oboe or bassoon), and post it to social media, we will love you forever!

Thank you all very much! So much love,

Julie, David and Lucille